Titanium Chef
Easily one of our most popular events!
The Titanium Chef team cooking challenge incorporates teambuilding and food. What could be better?
The session begins with the group divided into cooking teams. A review of the Titanium Chef rules of engagement ends with participants reciting the “Culinary Oath” which basically affirms that everyone will behave themselves (no food fights). Teams then don chef’s hats and aprons and begin to plan their first course.
The Regular Ingredient Table give all teams equal access, while the Extra Ingredient and Plating and Utensil Tables contain items that must be purchased using acquired tokens.
All team members find a role for themselves; procuring, prepping, cooking and plating just to name a few. During each course, there is a call for the “Manager’s Special”, a round of culinary trivia where each sends a member to participate. The result is each team earning more tokens to purchase more items and ingredients for their dishes.
Judges will be circulating, observing teams, asking questions and scoring in the teamwork category. At the conclusion of each course, teams must plate a sample of their dish on the judging table as part of the scoring process. Here appearance and taste are the categories evaluated.
After producing their courses, teams sit and enjoy their creations while judges complete the final deliberations. Photos of the event are displayed on the screen as the dining commences.
Finally, the Titanium Chef Champion is revealed but not before the Runner-Up and the team that shows the most potential for improvement are recognized.
This event can be presented as a lunch or a dinner segment and is suitable for groups that number as small as 8 to several hundred.
LIGHT – Team participation, no running or jumping, unless you want extra bonus points for team spirit!